Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 8th 2015

iPad issues

Anyone else having trouble watching Paul’s tutorials on IPad air? I can watch YouTube etc with no issues but on this site it seems to take ages to download. Help!!!!!


Anyone else having trouble watching Paul’s tutorials on IPad air? I can watch YouTube etc with no issues but on this site it seems to take ages to download. Help!!!!!


Hi Everyone,

Thank you for getting in touch and I am so terribly sorry to hear that you are all having so many problems viewing the tutorials on certain devices.

At the moment we are working really hard to complete our new site, which is due to go live in the next few weeks. This site has been specifically constructed with mobile and smart devices in mind. Therefore we are positive that this will make a difference to the streaming of the tutorials and will make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

However in the meantime, we are keen to resolve any issues that you may have. We have contacted our video hosting company to see if there is anything going on behind the scenes that could be having an effect on the video’s loading, as well as requesting any advice that could help to resolve this issue.

As soon as we have had a response from them I will post it onto this forum to keep you all informed.
In the meantime, if you could please send us an email to [email protected] with a description of what is exactly happening when you are watching the videos, this will help us to get to the bottom of what is causing the problem.

Thank you kindly for your cooperation and patience. Hopefully we can resolve this problem soon. In the meantime, if you could try watching the tutorials on a different device to see if this makes a difference, it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards, Danielle, Online Community Manager


Mine is exactly the same, interesting to find out why


I had my iPad checked out at the apple store and it all worked ok.
I can all sorts of videos on my iPad except for the tutorials! It’s forever Downloading.
Please help. It doesn’t seem to download fast enough from
Paul’s tutorials.


Hello wardshar and Melanieh

There is some information here http://www.cakeflix.com/help-and-support
Scroll down to the part which says Technical Support and click on ‘what do I do if I can’t get a video to play’.
Follow all the instructions and if you still have problems please contact the site by using the email given.

Hope this helps.


Can you tell me please what speed I need to see when i carry out the ping test?


Hi wardshar

I’m sorry but I’m not able to help you with ping speed. I’m not technical and this is above my understanding.
There is some information here which you might find helpful:
Failing that, please contact the technical support team at PBSS here http://www.cakeflix.com/contact
Please give them as much detail as you can about the problems which you are experiencing so they can assist you in the quickest possible time. If you send them an email tonight it is possible they’ll be in contact with you by tomorrow. I believe you can also phone the site, you’ll find the number in the top right hand corner of this page. I hope this helps.


Hi wardshar

I hope your viewing problems have been resolved. I’ve been getting buffering problems and slow connection on my laptop. I view in SD which helps. Hope you’re up and running! x


Hi madeitwithlove
I can’t find the SD option when on my iPad.
I’ve tried everything recommended in Q &A section but still no luck. I’ve therefore sent the team an email. It’s very frustrating. Hoping they can resolve it soon for me.


Thank you Danielle for your re-assurance. x

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