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asked August 2nd 2013

JEM Cutters

I had a go at using the JEM cutters (the 3d deck chair one) and everytime I tried to remove it they broke or I took chunks out of the icing! I’m obviously doing something very wrong so wondered if anyone has any tips to getting the icing out of them without distorting the model or breaking them or if there’s anything else I can use to create the same effect as it was very expensive for the 3 pieces of small plastic that I bought! x


I had a go at using the JEM cutters (the 3d deck chair one) and everytime I tried to remove it they broke or I took chunks out of the icing! I’m obviously doing something very wrong so wondered if anyone has any tips to getting the icing out of them without distorting the model or breaking them or if there’s anything else I can use to create the same effect as it was very expensive for the 3 pieces of small plastic that I bought! x


Hi jaime

I have quite a few JEM cutters and find florist paste or petal paste works better. I also use JEM petal base which is a cutter release agent. I always find leaving the paste to dry a little before cutting also helps release pieces without breaking. Here http://sugarteachers.blogspot.co.uk/2010/06/lifes-beach.html is alternative way of making a beach chair and if you google ‘how to make a deck chair out of fondant’ you’ll view other ideas too. Hope this helps. x


Hiya, thanks for the advice I’ll have a look at the links. I used petal paste but will try this petal base also it will hopefully help. I’ll let you know how I get on x

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