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I have been asked to make a Gatsby themed wedding cake! Which are the best sparkliest edible diamonds to buy, and how is the best way to make jewels from isomalt and tips to make them sparkle!! ?? TIA
I have been asked to make a Gatsby themed wedding cake! Which are the best sparkliest edible diamonds to buy, and how is the best way to make jewels from isomalt and tips to make them sparkle!! ?? TIA
Hello annetee1314
Clear edible jewls are pretty much all the same inasmuch that they are made or isomalt. I do know that handling them carefully is a must because the oils from our fingers make them mist over. I’ve read that spraying them with a little clear PME spray helps to keep them in good condition. Some people rub a little tiny bit of oil on them.
Edible jewels are available to purchase online through many suppliers. Just google ‘edible jewels’ to see them
You could also make your own using candy moulds and isomalt. There are lots of tutorials in youtube on how to handle isomalt and how to make the gems. To view tutorials search in youtube ‘ how to make edible isomalt jewels’. To see moulds, it’s best to shop around by googling ‘candy moulds’. Great place to look for isomalt and moulds is the cake decorating company:
Please do shop around for prices and shipping costs.
All the advice online about using isomalt warns to be very careful because it is a hot, molten substance which requires some special equipment to prevent burns.
Hopefully other members can share their knowlege of isomalt.