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Landrover cake?
Would it be possible to let me know if you have any tutorials or know of any for making a Landrover cake please?
Many Thanks with all your help with the questions that I ask they are most helpful.
Would it be possible to let me know if you have any tutorials or know of any for making a Landrover cake please?
Many Thanks with all your help with the questions that I ask they are most helpful.
Hi Anna
Paul does have a jeep tutorial which could be used as a guide. The tutorial is just here:
I realise the landrover is a much bulkier vehicle but you may be able to glean some tips from the jeep.
There are several guides online, here’s one:
However if you go into google images you’ll be able to see many more, some of them are tutorials so you’d need to click on the image and go to the site.
If I come across a whole tutorial I’ll post. To see a tutorial on this site you can make a request by writing into the site here:
Paul used to have a request list, it’s possible you could get lucky.
Hope this helps. x
Hi Anna
How about this:
You may have come across it already, if not, I hope it helps with the basics. x