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asked August 11th 2016

Large storage tins

Hi can anyone tell me where I can purchase a 12in storage tin for my Mrs Jones fruit cake. For the moment its well wrapped in baking paper and tin foil but I need to store it till the end of October. Thanks


Hi can anyone tell me where I can purchase a 12in storage tin for my Mrs Jones fruit cake. For the moment its well wrapped in baking paper and tin foil but I need to store it till the end of October. Thanks


Hello Jean

As long as the cake is well wrapped, it is fine to store it in a cool place in a strong cardboard cake box. You could also use a larger baking tin as a dome to further protect it in the cake box.
Avoid using airtight plastic containers as these make the cake sweat and vulnerable to mould. Unfortunately very large airtight storage tins are difficult to source. You would need a 14″ tin to accommodate the wrapping as well. I’ve searched on Amazon, ebay and google without luck. You may get better luck than I have. I’ll keep searching and post here if anything turns up. Sorry I can’t be of more help, hopefully other members will share more ideas.


Thank you very much for your speedy reply. Great advice as always.

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