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asked September 23rd 2015

Leather texture mats

Hi, I’m making a leather handbag cake and the texture is ‘crosshatch leather’. Has anyone know of a supplier that sells crosshatch leather texture mats.




Hi, I’m making a leather handbag cake and the texture is ‘crosshatch leather’. Has anyone know of a supplier that sells crosshatch leather texture mats.




Hi madeitwithlove, Just to let you know the handbag is almost done (just finishing touches). I used a PME plain wheel and it worked great. Tried to attach a picture with this reply but can’t see how to. I’ll put a picture of the finished cake on the Facebook page when it’s finished. Thanks for your help


Couldn’t easily see how to post a picture, but here is a link to where you should be able to see them


HI Ardel

When you say cross hatch do you mean as in artist’s cross hatching or do you mean diamond pattern texture mat?
Here are some to look at:
And here is is Paul using some of them:

Textured Sheet Mats

Google also texture mats by Autumn Carpenter and PME. There are lots to choose from online decorating stores, Amazon and ebay.

Hope this is the type of thing you are looking for.



Thanks for the response, what I’m looking for is something that can produce this finish.

I’ll try the searches you recommended
Thanks, Ardel


Hi Adel

That helps narrow things down! The closest I can find is the burlap impression mat from Marvellous moulds here:

The pattern could easily be achieved with cross hatching the fondant with either a PME stitchy tool or with the plain wheel. All you’d need do is go over one way then the other randomly. If you have either tool in your decorating kit have a play with it to see the effect. You could even use tooth pick or a wooden skewer. If you google ‘random hatching’ you’ll see lots of artists tutorials which show how make this pattern. There are also some youtube videos. Hope this helps a little.


Thank you, that really helps. I had a look at some youtube videos and will have a go at trying to produce that texture. I’ll let you know how I get on.


Glad it helped and feed back would be fanatastic Please accept my apologies for mis-spelling your name above, fingers seem to go faster than the keys depress!


Hi Ardel

Wow! I’ll keep any eye out for your cake. You can also post it on Paul’s google+ here:
Can’t wait to see it ….. exciting!!
So kind of you to feedback.


Hi Ardel

I had a look at your leather look handbag cake and it’s absolutely fabulous. Wow, I wouldn’t mind being seen out on the town with that on my arm! I love all the other little details too and the hatching came out really well. Congratulations on a job well done! Could you not post it on Paul’s social medias at all?
that’s a shame ’cause I know he loves members to share their work. You could send it in to the site via email to share on facebook. Thanks for sharing xx

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