Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked July 29th 2013


Hi, I have quite a bit of leftover chocolate cake from Paul’s recipe. I was making a carved cake.
Does anyone have any ideas on what to do with it apart from cake pops?
many thanks


There is a crumb cake recipe you could google


Hi Arwen

You can freeze your leftovers. It can be used as a base for trifle and cheese cake, as topping for crumbles, sprinkled over ice cream or warmed up as a hot dessert with custard. It can also be prepared as you would for cake pops, pressed back down into a spring form cake tin and topped with fruit and cream for an instant gateau. If you have bigger pieces cut rounds, and make mini cakes, present them in muffin or cupcake cases. We hardly ever have any cake left over, you must have massive will power to resist eating it all. Hope some of these suggestions help, you’ll have many more if you google ‘how to use up left over cake’. x


Hi Arwen

What is “left over cake”? I also hear speak of “left over wine” but it never happens in my house. I blame Cake Dogs!!

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