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asked November 21st 2012

Leopard print cake

Could anyone tell me how to make a leopard print (interior) sponge cake??


Could anyone tell me how to make a leopard print (interior) sponge cake??


Hi pawall01

To make a leopard print cake you need to make up your cake batter, (something like a vanilla cake recipe). transfer three small amounts into three different bowls and colour those in the leopard spot colours. Place the coloured batters into piping bags, pipe a blob of dark batter then a lighter shade of slightly smaller blob on top and finally the third colour. Do this till the bottom of the cake tin in covered in blobs. Pour a layer of the cake batter on the top of the blobs. Pipe blobs again on the cake batter surface, and another layer of batter. Make about three layers until all the coloured and plain batter are used up. Bake in the usual way. There are lots of youtube tutorials if my description is not very clear.


Thanks very much!! I’ll be trying this tonight x

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