Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked September 14th 2012

Love It

Just wanted to say that I love the new layout of the site. It will be much easier for us to use. T




Just wanted to say that I love the new layout of the site. It will be much easier for us to use. T




Hi Jackie,

Thanks, that’s really nice of you to say 🙂 We are going to improving it further over the next few weeks so I’d love to get you feedback on that too!


Paul Doffman
Customer Support


Yes, I agree, I’ve been away for a few days so this was a lovely surprise to come back to. Sites looking really smart, well done guys and thank you for making it easier! Looking forwards to seeing the other changes too.


I love it too its just unfortunate I still have problems with watching videos even after advice from Jeff – And the music is still really annoying lol. Sorry to put a downer on things.


Hi Michelle,

Thanks again for your feedback. I can tell you that we are going to be trailing a completely new layout on a special extra course this Friday. We are going to test a new video hosting company to see if people have less problems than they currently have. We will also be redesigning our intros to the video lessons so either no music, different music or at least less music so you can get straight into the action quicker.

You will get an email asking you to take a look at this new design and also a link to a survey that we would be really grateful if you took the time to fill out.


Paul Doffman
Customer Support


I too love the new layout. Will miss the music though as it seems to cheer me up and gets me tapping me feet and in the mood to tackle me cake lol x



Good work – the site gets better day by day,

Best regards,


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