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asked June 21st 2018

Madeira cake baking time


I have the downloadable ingredients list and method Mrs Jones’ Madeira cake but the cooking time is confusing

It say “60 – 45mins”

Should that say one hour and 45 mins or 45-60mins?





I have the downloadable ingredients list and method Mrs Jones’ Madeira cake but the cooking time is confusing

It say “60 – 45mins”

Should that say one hour and 45 mins or 45-60mins?




Hi Elizabeth

This is just a smal maderia cake which it will take approximately 45 – 60 minutes depending on your own oven. Baking times are approximate so keep and eye and nose on the baking andcheck after 45 minutes for doneness with a wooden skewer. If it comes out with just a few sticky crumbs, the cake will be done. If it’s still wet, bake on until done. Thank you for pointing out the confusing timing, I’ll let the customer service team know so it can be changed to show the correct timing. 🙂


Elizabeth, I’ve just taken a look at the tutorial and in the last video Mrs Jones says she has baked her cake for 2 hrs and 10 or 15 at 135 c fan oven. I gave you the above times by the amount of ingredients shown in the recipe. This really is confusing. What I suggest is to bake the cake according to the verbal instructions as given in the videos and just keep an ey and nose on the baking. Please let me know if this works for you.
I normally bake an 8″ madeira 3″ deep on 130c fan for 1 hr 15 -30 minutes.


Hi, I kept an eye on it as you suggested madeitwithlove and it worked out well. I didn’t keep a tally of the time so I’m not sureness what it was overall. I am in the middle of doing another two for a two tier birthday cake so fingers crossed! The recipe also said 150 which is confusing, I kept it at 150 last time but I’ve turned the oven down a bit now


Hi Elizabeth

Are you still doing Mrs Jones’ recipe? In her last video she says the temperature and time she bakes the cakes.

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