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maderia cake for pug dog cake
Is the a recipe or a link for a 10″ madeira cake that would suit the pug dog cake. how much cake was needed, I know it cake tin sizes is a ten and an eight but how much is need to get the high for the cake.
Is the a recipe or a link for a 10″ madeira cake that would suit the pug dog cake. how much cake was needed, I know it cake tin sizes is a ten and an eight but how much is need to get the high for the cake.
Hi jasonr4195
Molly Robbins, tutor for the pug dog cake has not given a recipe or a link for the maderia cake recipe.
However, you can use any madeira cake recipe you like. There are lots of recipes online which are baked normally in 3″ deep tins. If you’d like a deeper cake any recipe can be scaled up or down using either my ready reckoner or the cakeometer here:
My favourite madeira recipe is Jane Hornby’s zingy lemon cake.
It’s a lovely firm, moist and tasty cake suitable for carving. I also add a couple teaspoons of vanilla extract with the lemon. You can see the recipe here:
Many other members have used this recipe and have given wonderful feedback. The recipe is for a 9″ cake but it can be scaled up or down using the conversion tools to make the size cakes required for the pug dog cake.
If you need help or more information please post again. Hope this helps.