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asked April 26th 2013

Making Bluebells

Hi ….. me again!! Have been asked to make some bluebells, just wondering if anyone could advise me, do I need a specific bluebell cutter? I have had a very rough go with a calyx and doesn’t look too bad, but not sure…… any advice greatly received!!!!


Hi ….. me again!! Have been asked to make some bluebells, just wondering if anyone could advise me, do I need a specific bluebell cutter? I have had a very rough go with a calyx and doesn’t look too bad, but not sure…… any advice greatly received!!!!


Hello Sophie

You need six little petals. Have a look at the primrose tutorial here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-make-a-primrose, where Paul makes a Mexican hat. If you can make the cone shape and cut out six petals with a sharp knife they can be shaped into a bluebell. Also if you search in youtube Elaine Mcgregor, go to her playlist and find where she makes small filler flowers or as she calls them pulled flowers. Alternatively you could buy the cutters from any online sugar craft shop or your local cake decorating store. Hope this helps.


Just found this as well http://www.squidoo.com/Sugar-Paste-Flowers#module154357660, there’s some instructions for bluebells which might help.


Thank you madeitwithlove – brilliant – appreciate your help, will give a go!!!

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