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asked August 14th 2012

making long grass

hi how do you make long grass x


hi how do you make long grass x


Hi annabel

You can make long grass by piping long upward strokes of your icing using a medium sized nozzle or with a grass nozzle (it has several little holes in it). The  Loch Ness cake,  the golfing course, and the mountaineering cake tutorials also show how to make long grass using a different technique by just rolling long pieces of fondant thinly, and attaching them to your cake.  Hope this helps. x


Hi annabel,

Another way to make long grass is by pushing a large or long piece of green sugarpaste through a sieve. Similar to using a garlic press, but easier to get the long grass effect.


sorry i never explained it proper its to cover a man hideing in grass so it has to stand up long and by its self but thank you xxx


Hi annabel

You can still do it by making tappered lengths of fondant, allowing them to dry and then sticking them onto the cake with a little green royal icing. If you have some long and short blades it could give the appearance of dense long grass. I’d position the figure first and work the grass around it so it is hidden. Another way is to pipe blades of grass either out of Royal icing or coloured white chocolate ganache, let the blades set then attach them to the cake, again with RC or ganache. Piping more icing or ganache in between the taller lengths will soon cover a sizable amount of space. It might give you a better idea how this would look if you have a little experiment, that way you won’t spoil your cake. Hope this revised version helps. G’d luck and let us know, pleeeeese, how it works out. x


Hi annabel, you can get an icing tip from Wilton for grass. It’s widely available on eBay and is great and easy to use. I have used it on several cakes and it comes out looking very real. If you use stiff royal icing, it should stand up.

Hope this helps

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