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asked July 17th 2012

Mallow Russe

Can you make modelling paste with a mixture of Mallow Russe flower paste and fondant icing?


Can you make modelling paste with a mixture of Mallow Russe flower paste and fondant icing?


Hi Lynda, if you google in www.icinghouse.com, you’ll find mallow russ and how it can be used. Hope this helps.


I have just tried the mallow russe, it has made a lovely shaped teapot & so easy to get in & out of the mold


Hi madeitwithlove, have you ever used this?  If so was it any good in your opinion?



I’d never heard of this until the question ‘cake art’ was posted. I answered the question after googling it and thought it was quite interesting. Looking through one of my ancient cook books this was mentioned as being a useful medium for decorating sugar eggs. I might get around to trying some, it isn’t expensive, might be worth a go. I’m also hoping there will be some interesting stuff at the NEC in November. x


I saw this used at our club wendy was the ladies name & she made a faberge egg & it looked excellent i’m sure it could be used for other things that need to harden.

Now there’s a thought re the Teapot question. might just give it ago


You should try the Mallow Russe, it’s fantastic xx


Bev, thanks for posting a feed back. I too want to try this, from what I understand this mallow russe is making a come back in a big way so it’ll be worth having a try.

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