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Maltesers font
Hello everyone…
Not a very cakey question, but can anyone help me find out what the font is for the Maltesers logo? I’m making a simple Maltesers box cake and wanted to include a name/message in the Maltesers text, but can’t find the right font…
Thanks so much in advance… 🙂
Hi goldengoose25
I’ve searched for the Malteser font without success, I’ve been looking at this site:
trying to find something which may look similar. I’ve been looking in the handwriting fonts section, thought you might like to look too. Together we may have better luck! I’ll keep searching and post if I get lucky. Hope other members will join in and help out.
thanks so much for spending time searching miwl!!
I had looked in the handwriting fonts but gave up and posted here just in case someone knew! It was such a simple cake I left it until the last minute to sort this out… I iced the cake yesterday ready to finish off the decorations and text today, so I think I will give up now and wing it freehand. Looks quite simple, just wanted it perfect… 🙂
thanks very much anyway, you really are appreciated!!!
You’re welcome goldengoose, I’m sure your cake will still look perfect!