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MArks on sugar paste
Hi, Please can anyone help? No matter how dry my hand are I always seem to end up with marks on the top of my cake after I have covered with sugarpaste. My hands are dry, there’s no greas on my rolling pin so I have no idea what it is. I did intially think it might have been corn flour however I have now started using icing sugar but the problem still persists. I have a wedding cake to complete and I want to ensure that the top of my cake not marked in any way. If anyone knows what it might be I’d be really grateful to know what it is and how to avoid it occuring again as well as knowing if there’s a way of removing them?
Hi, Please can anyone help? No matter how dry my hand are I always seem to end up with marks on the top of my cake after I have covered with sugarpaste. My hands are dry, there’s no greas on my rolling pin so I have no idea what it is. I did intially think it might have been corn flour however I have now started using icing sugar but the problem still persists. I have a wedding cake to complete and I want to ensure that the top of my cake not marked in any way. If anyone knows what it might be I’d be really grateful to know what it is and how to avoid it occuring again as well as knowing if there’s a way of removing them?
Hi Clan
Not quite sure what sort of marks you mean. For finger marks make a small ball of fondant, let it crust over a little and use it gently to smooth away any marks. Little clumps of icing sugar or corn flour have to be remove straight away other wise they harden and can’t really be removed without damaging the iced cake. If you have other small marks like colour from petal dust use a small paint brush moistened in vodka and carefully remove the mark. Hand marks can also be removed with fondant smoothers by gently polishing the icing. x
Sometimes you can get leakage from you filling at the base of the cake,which is easily transferred .if its grease use soapy water on a cotton bud and cover with cornflour straight away to absorb moisture leave awhile then brush off
Thanks madeitwithlove and hilaryb.