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asked December 17th 2015

marzipan does it need to dry before i ice?

hi ya, im going to marzipan the fruit cake today can i ice the cake the same time or does the marzipan need a day or so to dry X


hi ya, im going to marzipan the fruit cake today can i ice the cake the same time or does the marzipan need a day or so to dry X


Hi AngieS

Yes let the marzipan dry for a couple of days before icing, you’ll get a much better finish. x


thank you doesnt have to have a good finish as its all coverd isnt it. so in that case i can ice it tomz ?

also the wafer paper seems to go down alot further then pauls, mines to the base ! im a little sonsernd that when i put the royal iceing on to conect the cake lace that it will kill my wafer paper any ideas how to stick it without getting it wet ? x


I’m a bit confused Angie. Please could you tell me which cake you are making so that I can give you a better answer. x


Crystal palace the newer one x
It’s a shame we can’t put pictures up so you can see x


Hi Angie

I’m so sorry for this late reply. I expect you’ve managed to sort the problem out for yourself but if you haven’t I’ll try and answer and hopefully it will help. Was your wafer paper the same size as Paul’s. I can’t understand why it would be longer. If it’s too long cut it down to size so the triangles are shorter. The royal icing won’t kill your wafer paper as long as it is the correct consistency. Do you have a facebook page where you can post pictures? If you do and it’s public, I would be able to see your cake. Have you managed to get it done? If it’s complete you can share pictures on Paul’s facebook page. Please let me know how you’re doing.


hi thank you so much for all your help with this and all other questions ive asked…. all turned out amazing with the abolute WOW FACTOR an tasted amazing awell, was pleaseed as this was the 1st fruit cake ive made..! xx
how do i store an uncut iced fruit cake please . ? xxx


Hi AngieS

Really pleased all worked out so well for you. How long are you intending to store it? If it’s for a short time it will keep well in it’s cake box. If it’s long term and iced you can store it wrapped in tissue paper and placed in an airtight cake tin. Fruit cake keeps very well in the freezer for about a year. However,you’d need to remove the icing and marzipan first, wrap it up in several layers of parchment paper, cling film and a freezer bag. Pop it in a box to reduce freezer burn and damage. Don’t wrap in foil because the acidity in the fruit will cause a reaction and eat away at the foil. Mine is still wrapped up and sitting on the sideboard. I can’t decide what to do with it, we’ve all eaten far too much already!! Happy New Year x

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