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asked September 8th 2012

Mehndi cake

Hi Paul, I’ve got mehndi cake order they are asking me to make mehndi cones for the cake how would I do it and what will I need. Can you please help me!

Thank you!!


Hi Paul, I’ve got mehndi cake order they are asking me to make mehndi cones for the cake how would I do it and what will I need. Can you please help me!

Thank you!!


Hi herabegum

I hope you don’t mind me answering your question, but first I have to ask you a couple. Do you want to make the mehndi cones as decoration to go around the cake or do you want to have them as a cake topper? Have a look at some real mehndi cones, roll out a rectangle of fondant or gum paste, cut it diagonally in half and, make a cone in the same way as you would make a parchment icing bag. Once the cone is made, roll up the top (copy the real cone) and gently seal it. The cones can be made in all different colours and also be decorated with simple henna designs with edible marker pens or with small cut out flowers. There are tutorials also on mehndi designs in youtube.
I can also recommend this book by Momtaz Begum-Hossain called Bollywood Crafty, ISBN 1-86108-418-8. It is not a cake decorating book but, there are many inspirational designs which are easily transferable to sugar craft. The book costs less than £5-00 and is a fantastic point of reference. I hope this information helps.


Thank you madeitwithlove for answering its not a cake topper I have to make 2 mehndi cones which should look like the real mehndi cones to put it on the cake, I do know how to make a cone but with fondant how would I keep the shape up so it looks like a proper cone that is all the way round and if I make the cone do I leave the inside hollow? Can you please help me in that I’ll be greatful!!

Thank you!!


Hi herabegum

If you google in ‘how to roll a mehndi cone’, there are lots of video tutorials which will be very helpful to you. The same technique can be applied to gum paste or fondant. Have a look and see what you think. When is the cake date due? If it is soon, the cones will need time to dry so you ought to make them up as soon as you can. Alternatively you could make them from white modelling chocolate and then use metallic edible paints to colour them in. Sound good to you?


My apologies herabegum, I miss read your question. Why don’t you make the cones like Paul does in people models tutorials? They would be solid cones, and there wouldn’t be the problem with keeping the shape. The cones can be made thinner and more tapered with a fine point. Leave them to dry laying down, once decorated they’ll look fine.


Thank you madeitwithlove for the answer I’m gonna look it up, which peopl models are you saying is it the bride and groom one?

Thank you!


Yes, it is the bride and groom tutorial, but look at any of the tutorials where Paul makes cones. They look very thick to begin with but you can cut the thick end off to make it more delicate and make the point finer.

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