Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked November 11th 2012


If I do nt want to subscribe ,is it possible to join the club only for one month


If I do nt want to subscribe ,is it possible to join the club only for one month


Hi Hamna

If you click on the contact tab at the top of the page then go into FAO there is information there on how to manage your membership. You can register to access the free beginners course if you prefer not to join as a paid member, the FAQ will explain in more detail. Hope this helps.


Hi Hamna,

Our monthly membership is a recurring subscription but you have no contract and are able to cancel at any time. So if you were to join and cancel before the end of your month then yes you would have only paid for one month.

I hope this helps

Drop me an email if you would like any more help at all getting going

Kind regards

Paul Doffman
Customer Support

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