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asked April 7th 2013

metallic paint in airbrush

I have a small airbrush which I presently use on my cakes but was wondering if the new metallic paint is suitable for using with small airbrushes or will they clog them up. Wound appreciate any help as I don’t want to damage my airbrush. Thanks


I have a small airbrush which I presently use on my cakes but was wondering if the new metallic paint is suitable for using with small airbrushes or will they clog them up. Wound appreciate any help as I don’t want to damage my airbrush. Thanks


Hi winnie

I don’t have an airbrush but I’ve accidentally bought metallic airbrush colour by Rainbow Dust and it’s very thin.
The colours are designed for all types of airbrush machines so they must be suitable. If you’re unsure it may help to use a little vodka to thin it down further. Not knowing the make of your airbrush it’s difficult to say whether or not it can use metallic colours. If you still have the instruction manual it make say in there. I’m sorry I can’t be more help. I shall be needing the same sort of help when I get my airbrush next week.


i use it in mine just dilute it with vodka.


Thanks Andrea that helps me out!


Thanks to both of you, I will try the vodka trick!

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