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asked October 25th 2012

Milk choc ganache – How much ganache for a 10″ Cake

Milk choc ganache – How much ganache for a 10″ Cake

How much milk choc would be needed to cream to make milk choc ganache and how much would you need to cover a 10 inch cake 4 inches high
Many thanks x


Hi Debibon

Are you filling the cake with ganache as well? If you’re just covering try 400g chocolate 200ml double cream. You’ll probably have some left over, if you do, ganache freezes very well and can be used on another cake later.


Thanks miwl. Thought i might av needed more choc it being milk choc what choc do yu recomend belgian maybe, i know yu need more white choc, wasnt sure bout milk. Im gonna fill with buttercream thats ok isnt it x
Thankyu again x


Hi Debibon

You can add a bit more chocolate if you want, but if you have 40% coco it should be ok. Beligium choc is good, depends how much it is. I have no problems with Asda, Lidle or the Tesco own brands, and of course they’re cheaper too. My motto with milk chocolate is to buy the one you like eating. If you’re worried about the strength of the ganache, adding some dark to it won’t change the taste that much, so you could add 100g dark and the rest milk. Filling with butter cream is fine, I’d advise you pop the cake in the fridge for a while so the BC sets a little, it makes ganaching easier, BC tends to slide around a bit. You won’t have any problems, it’ll be fine! x


Thanks miwl. Very helpfull x


You’re welcome xx

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