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Milk Chocolate Ganash
Hi Any suggestions as to which chocolate to use for milk chocolate ganash. I have only tried ganash once before with plain chocolate and that that wasn’t very successful 🙁 I think I was too impatient. So I am going to give it another go with milk chocolate but am unsure of which to choose. I have looked at the charts for quantities so I am ok with that bit.
Thank you.
Hi Any suggestions as to which chocolate to use for milk chocolate ganash. I have only tried ganash once before with plain chocolate and that that wasn’t very successful 🙁 I think I was too impatient. So I am going to give it another go with milk chocolate but am unsure of which to choose. I have looked at the charts for quantities so I am ok with that bit.
Thank you.
You’re a star,
thank you so much for your help, on a Sunday too 🙂
Very much appreciated. I’ll let you know how I get on.
Happy Sunday
Hello fancy cakes12
Use a good milk chocolate or one that you like eating. Galaxy and Cadbury’s make a lovely ganache as do some of the supermarket own brands from ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Aldi and Lidle. Try not to use the very basic budget brands which are full of fats and waxes produce greasy, oily grainy ganche. If you do have a mishap with oily ganache look here for fixes: http://www.cakeflix.com/questions?s=oily+ganache
If you haven’t seen them already, my new ganache charts are here:
These charts take into consideration cover only, one layer fill and two layer fill. The blog will also link you back to the old ganache chart where there is more information on the different types of chocolate.
Take your time when making ganache, make it the night before, cover it up with cling film so it touches the surface and leave it at room temperature to thicken.
You’re welcome fancycakes12. Happy ganaching Sunday!