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asked October 2nd 2012

Mini Cooper Cake

I am making a Mini Cooper Cake soon and I struggle with sizes and always make the cakes too large, which is not very cost efficient. From the VW Beetle tutorial I understand the length is double the width but I am finding it difficult to understand what height I should make the cake as the VW Beetle is open top.




I am making a Mini Cooper Cake soon and I struggle with sizes and always make the cakes too large, which is not very cost efficient. From the VW Beetle tutorial I understand the length is double the width but I am finding it difficult to understand what height I should make the cake as the VW Beetle is open top.




Hi Evelyn

There isa tutorial on youtube by nivia91 which might be of help with regard to proportions. If you can’t find it in youtube just google in how to make a mini cooper cake tutorial, and you’ll see it. Hope this help.



I just watched this and its good, but also came upon this tutorial from videojug

It is good as it has also given me ideas of the next novelty cake that I am going to be making.

hope it helps you too.


Thanks so much to you both, I had searched the internet and could not find what size of sponge to use, the video jug has made it clear, although it depends on how many it is for but I think a 10″ square cake is a good place to start. I have been on this site for nearly a year and have just started looking at questions and answers and it is most helpful. Will definitely post anything useful I learn.



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