Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked April 15th 2013


inthis cours you put 6 eggs in the ingredient ,but when you show us the methode to do this cake i see more than 6 about 12 ,what is the rigt quantite for eggs pleas


inthis cours you put 6 eggs in the ingredient ,but when you show us the methode to do this cake i see more than 6 about 12 ,what is the rigt quantite for eggs pleas


Hello amel

I think you are referring to the moist chocolate cake recipe. In this recipe Paul was very lucky that every single one of his eggs was a double yolk. He used 6 eggs each with two yolks but they do not count as 2 eggs, each yolk split into two but the weight is that of just one egg. This information might help http://chowhound.chow.com/topics/769419. The right quantity is 6 large eggs and if you are lucky enough to get double yokers count them as one egg.

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