Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked January 17th 2016

MIWL Soft Ganache Blog

You mention when omitting the liqueur to just use equal amounts of chocolate to cream (although the chocolate is in grams and the cream in ml). I might be being thick but are they different quantities? Also, does equal quantities for soft ganache also apply for white/milk chocolate? I’m about to make an 8″ cake for my niece and want to do three layers, one in the middle in milk chocolate and the upper/lower in white so when it is cut it looks different.


You mention when omitting the liqueur to just use equal amounts of chocolate to cream (although the chocolate is in grams and the cream in ml). I might be being thick but are they different quantities? Also, does equal quantities for soft ganache also apply for white/milk chocolate? I’m about to make an 8″ cake for my niece and want to do three layers, one in the middle in milk chocolate and the upper/lower in white so when it is cut it looks different.


Hi AnnieLaurie

Weighing cream is more accurate than measuring it, 1ml of cream = 1gm of cream.
In terms of ganache just use grams for both.

I use 2:1 ratio for white chocolate and for milk chocolate. I have also used 1:1 ration for whisking. It depends on the quality of chocolate and the type of cream being used. For 1:1 ratio, I use double cream. This makes a very soft, fluffy whisked ganache suitable for filling only, not piping. Both white and milk chocolate take longer to thicken so best made up the night before. Next day remove cling film and gently mix it until it is piping consistency. You’ll be looking for soft peak consistency. Don’t over whisk or mix ganache as it can become grainy and very oily. If it does, add a tablespoon of warm milk to the ganache and incorporate gently to restore the break.
I have two more ganache blogs which you may find useful. To see them take a peek here:

How to Ganache Cakes Without Gnashing Your Teeth!

The Shelf Life of Ganache – By madeitwithlove

Some of the member questions in the comments section are worth persuing.

Hope this helps, if you need more information please post again.

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