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asked June 22nd 2013

Mixing buttercream?

I don’t have a stand mixer to mix the buttercream, can I do it with an electric whisk? Will it turn out the same? Also is the recipe given on here a pipe-able consistency? Thanks so much!


I don’t have a stand mixer to mix the buttercream, can I do it with an electric whisk? Will it turn out the same? Also is the recipe given on here a pipe-able consistency? Thanks so much!


Hi squeezychanel, I don’t have a stand mixer either, what I do is incorporate the icing sugar into the butter by hand just using a fork, then I use my electric whisk to beat it, so that I get the lovely light and smooth consistency. Don’t just go in straight away with your whisk or you’ll end up with icing sugar dust all over your kitchen! I’ve never had any problem then piping with my buttercream once it’s been beaten.

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