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asked November 16th 2015

Mixing plain and milk Chocolate for mud cake

Mixing plain and milk Chocolate for mud cake

Hi Madeitwithlove
You recently gave make a link to a chocolate mud cake recipe and I plan to mix half plain chocolate and half milk as cake is for a child. Do both chocolate types need to have contain the same amount cocoa solids?

Many thanks x


Mixing plain and milk Chocolate for mud cake

Hi Madeitwithlove
You recently gave make a link to a chocolate mud cake recipe and I plan to mix half plain chocolate and half milk as cake is for a child. Do both chocolate types need to have contain the same amount cocoa solids?

Many thanks x


Hi bellescakes

The two chocolates have different amounts of cocoa solids. Dark chocolate more than milk. Have a look on the chocolate packaging and it will be printed in the ingredients. Don’t forget also that milk chocolate contains a lot of sugar already. If you use a little more than half of the dark it will help to keep the taste of the cake more paletable. I usually do 60 – 40 ratio instead of 50- 50. However it’s up to you.
If you need more information let me know x


HI madeitwithlove

Thanks very much for your answer. I will try the ratio you suggested. I do have another question which is how on earth do I manage to cut sugar paste with the FMC lace cutters please?

I looked at the YouTube video by FMC showing how to use these cutters. It looks so easy but can’t master it. I have tried twice and each time the paste is not cutting the lace cleanly. I can’t seem to free the lace from the border. I have done the usual things like dusting cutters with corn flour etc. As I am going to make the Florence Nightingale for my granddaughter’s birthday soon I thought I’d add to the Victorian theme with a fancy lace border. Ha! easier said than done. Any ideas on how to do this would be much appreciated thanks very much. xx


Oops! I think that should have been FMM cutters. xx


Can you give me the youtube link please, I’ve never cut cake lace with fmm cutters. I use an exacto knife when I want certain parts of the lace. x


…. I found the video. What you do is make sure the paste isn’t too wet. Roll it out on cornflour and not on icing sugar. The trick is to let the past dry a little so it’s not sticky and then cut it out. The embossed design can be slightly dusted with cornflour before cutting. Let me know how you go with it. I thought you meant cake lace, dear oh me! going daft!!

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