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asked December 10th 2015

MIxing Fruit


Can anybody tell me if adding block dates to a Christmas cake fruit mix would work ok please? I ran out of soft dates so used some block dates instead. The other fruits I am using are figs, prunes, raisins, currants, crystallised ginger, almonds and cherries. I didn’t have sultanas so just made up the weight with what I had. I have steeped this mix in whisky for a change. It’s a bit of an experiment really though not too sure if this will actually work. Any help would be great. xx



Can anybody tell me if adding block dates to a Christmas cake fruit mix would work ok please? I ran out of soft dates so used some block dates instead. The other fruits I am using are figs, prunes, raisins, currants, crystallised ginger, almonds and cherries. I didn’t have sultanas so just made up the weight with what I had. I have steeped this mix in whisky for a change. It’s a bit of an experiment really though not too sure if this will actually work. Any help would be great. xx


Hi bellescakes

I’ve done exactly that right now. I also made up the fruit by weight for a last minute fruit cake. Boil the fruit up in about 100ml of water of alcohol until tender. I let mine simmer until the liquid was absorbed, let it cool and proceed as normal if you’re doing a cream in method. I’m doing a boil and bake where I’ve melted the butter and sugar together, added the flour, almond meal, eggs and fruit. Baking it at 120 for 3 hour or more if it needs. Cake is 8″ square. Can’t believe I got lumbered with a last minute fruit cake! Hope this helps you out. x


… just read your question through again. I see you’ve already steeped the fruit. In which case only tenterise the dates and add to it. Chop them up so they are about the same size as the rest of the fruit and make sure there are no stones left in. x


HI madeitwithlove

Thanks very much for your advice. I got 4 cakes from the 9inch cake mixture, 2x4inch and 2x5inch cakes. They took 2 and a half hours to bake at fan oven 130C. They all look and smell absolutely delicious so if I keep one for Christmas I will look forward to having a slice. The rest are for gifts. Hope you are pleased with your last minute cakes. xx’


….. Last minute cake turned out really well. Unfortunately we’ve already cut into our mature square Christmas cake, aroma was too much to resist. I have an 8″ matured remaining …. having to hide it!! Did you bake all your cakes together? you made great time! xx


Hi again madeitwithlove
Glad your cake turned out well. I bet you both enjoyed sampling your Christmas cake though and a little of what you fancy and all that! At least you have a spare to enjoy later. Unfortunately fruit cakes are so tempting especially when they have been maturing for a while.
Yes I baked all of mine at the same time and they all fitted onto the one shelf. I put a bowl of cold water at the bottom of the oven too, as I normally do with a fruit cake. They all turned out with beautifully even tops too which is always very pleasing. I just need to think how to decorate them when the time comes and of course hope that they taste lovely.


I’m doing rocking Rudolf and this week’s reindeer cake. I’ve got some other very easy ones to do for the sponge cakes nearer to Christmas. I haven’t been too well for the past two years, broke my leg and ankle last year and it’s set me back in lots of ways. I can’t see very well either to do close work now but enough to make easier cakes. After Christmas I have to have my ankle re operated on and have my cataracts done!! What a couple of two years it’s been. Here’s hoping 2016 will be better. I hope you find a stress free design, time is getting on. I’m sure your cakes will taste magnificent, we’ve got half left of the one we cut … naughty, naughty.
Have a lovely time if we don’t chat again, keep safe oxox


Hi madeitwithlove
That sounds lovely! I’m really sorry to hear you have been so unwell lately. I don’t think we can underestimate the impact such things can have on our lives and empathise with you greatly. At times It seems that it’s just one thing after another. I do hope that the operations go well and that you will be as right as rain in no time. I must say it’s amazing that you find time to do what you do in the realms of cake advice and I take my hat off to you. Well done! I hope you have a really lovely Christmas and a very happy New Year. But no doubt we will chat again before then as I’m sure to have some more cakey questions! Take care. xx

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