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Modelling Figures
I am unclear what type of membership I have. Are there any tutorials I can access with my membership that will show me how to make a model of a man/woman. I am making a cake of a lawn bowler!
Many thanks,
I am unclear what type of membership I have. Are there any tutorials I can access with my membership that will show me how to make a model of a man/woman. I am making a cake of a lawn bowler!
Many thanks,
Hello Michelle
Click on the membership tab at the top right hand corner of this page to see all the membership options. If you are not a paying member you’ll only be able to access the free section. However it’s easy to upgrade by pressing any of the upgrade buttons in the membership tab. I think you can see which membership you are signed up to on the welcome page by clicking on your account details when you first login.
There are lots of man/woman model tutorials throughout the site, take a peek here:
and for the lawn bowling cake tutorial here:
In fact I requested the bowling scene cake tutorial which Paul kindly created. I changed my scene to men and women playing on a flat green but used many aspects of the tutorial for creating the bowls club. There are many figure tutorials which can be adapted to create your own scene on the novelty cakes and guest tutor sections. The tutorials use different techniques which help create positional figures. Take a peek here:
I hope this helps. However if you’re still experiencing problems in assertaining which level of membership you have please get in touch with the admin team here:
Good luck with your lawn bowling cake!
Hi Madeitwithlove,
Thank you very much for such an informative answer to question. I will check out all these useful links. I had no idea there was specifically a lawn bowling scene! Very keen to see this. However, I am still experiencing problems seeing these things.
According to my records and paypal payment I am a paid member up until October this year, so I think I will have to get in touch with the admin on here. Again, thank you for the link for this, all extremely helpful!
All the best,
This definitely sounds like an admin job. Once you’ve contacted the team they’ll sort the problem out very quickly. Hope you’re up and running soon and enjoying all the fabulous tutorials.