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asked July 16th 2012

Moist choco cake


i tried to make the moist choco cake by Paul and its tasting absolutely amazing and texture is wonderful and moist but i dont know why the cake has sunked in the centre a bit Can anyone tell me what could be the reason for that so that next time i will be careful with it.





i tried to make the moist choco cake by Paul and its tasting absolutely amazing and texture is wonderful and moist but i dont know why the cake has sunked in the centre a bit Can anyone tell me what could be the reason for that so that next time i will be careful with it.




It could be that it was taken out of the oven too quickly or the temp Was too high causing it to rise quickly then making it sink


Hi Annie, a lot have people have had problems with the chocolate cake and David has commented that even they can get some problems. In the tutorial Paul bakes at 150c in a conventional oven. Usually in a fan assisted oven the temperature should be reduced by 20 degrees or what ever the oven hand book recommends. Every one who has been baking at 130 fan are experiencing the same as you.  Cakes sink if they are taken out of the oven just a little too soon or if the oven door is opened during baking. However, apparently cakes can also sink if the temperature is too low preventing the centre from getting a lift. All ovens are completely different, for some 130 fan may be just right, for others it might be too fierce, so may be there is an in between temperature more suitable to give the cake that lift in the middle which it needs. I hope some of this helps.


Hi Annie   cake sinks in the centre usually because it isen’t cooked in the middle or sometimes overbeating the cake batter stage can over-aerate it, which will cause it to sink during or shorty after baking hope this helps


Hi Annie, try googling ‘why has my chocolate cake sunk’.  There are many answers.  Disappointing though isn’t it?  Mine sunk but was delicious, unusable but delicious.



I couldn’t get my choc cake to not sink either so in the end I just used the bottom half of two cakes.

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