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Moist chocolate cake – what brand of chocolate does Paul use?
Hi everyone, I am new to this website having only become a member in the last few days. Does anyone know which brand of chocolate buttons Paul uses for his moist choc cake please? I baked this cake earlier this week but my chocolate sauce turned out thick rather than runny like Paul’s and I am wondering if the chocolate I used was the issue – Sainsburys belgain dark choc with 60% cocoa content. I struggled to find one with 55% as the recipe suggests! I normally use Green & Blacks 70% in all my baking but thought this might be too strong for this recipe? Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you so much!
Hi everyone, I am new to this website having only become a member in the last few days. Does anyone know which brand of chocolate buttons Paul uses for his moist choc cake please? I baked this cake earlier this week but my chocolate sauce turned out thick rather than runny like Paul’s and I am wondering if the chocolate I used was the issue – Sainsburys belgain dark choc with 60% cocoa content. I struggled to find one with 55% as the recipe suggests! I normally use Green & Blacks 70% in all my baking but thought this might be too strong for this recipe? Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you so much!
Madewithlove – Thank you so much for your advice regarding the different chocolate brands suitable for this cake, I am so grateful! I am already learning so much from this website to help me on the way to being a successful cake baker/decorator and having happy customers!
Just to give you some feedback of the tank cake – my 8 year old son got to eat the trimmings of Pauls Moist cake (and a slice at the party), although I was making the cake for his friend! Paul listen to this praise – my son said it was the best chocolate cake I had ever baked and could I always use this recipe?!! The feedback from the mums at the party was “oh my god this cake is so moist and delicious!”. I was overwhelmed by all the lovely comments 🙂
Despite all my inital panic with the way the cake looked when it came out of the oven, everything turned out perfectly! And yes I shall always use this recipe from hereon…. it is just perfect!
Hello cookieandcreams
Paul uses Belcolade brand which can be purchased online. I use Callebaut or any bar of chocolate which contains 45- 50% cocoa solids.
Try Lidle. Their Fin Carre brand is 50% cocoa solids and only costs 39 pence per 100g. I use frequently and it’s just fine. Other members have used it too with great success. Other brands to try would be Asda’s own which comes either in 100g 0r 200g bars, Tesco’s own or any other brand which you like to eat. It isn’t necessarily the high end brands which is required, it’s the cocoa content. If you use a high % cocoa chocolate it can make the cake dry or ganache to crack. Allow the sugar to melt as much as possible. If the sugar hasn’t melted properly the sauce will be thick and gritty. That will impact on the quality of the cake. This recipe doesn’t not produce a springy sponge, the texture is deep and dense but vey moist and shiny, perfect for carving after being chilled first. You can reduce the amount of sugar, this will allieviate the sinking and crusting problem which some members have experience.
For more information about reducing sugar please read some of the later posts in this thread:
In particular results from member Liz Hemmingway.
Thank you also for your answer to me in that thread. I hope your next bake turns out better, this is a lovely cake and worth perseverence.
See comment from another member who used the fin carre here:
If you’re making this cake for a child, chocolate which contains a higher % of cocoa solid than 45 -50% would not really be suitable. By the way, welcome to the site, be happy! x
Hi cookieandcream
I’m so pleased all worked out with your cake. You are very welcome to any information which helps you on your caking journey.
Praise indeed for Paul’s recipe coming from an 8 year old child especially when children can be so hard to please. Unfortunately Paul rarely sees the pages of Q & A and will miss your comment.. However you could post your son’s complimentary message on Paul’s face book page here:
I’m sure Paul will be delighted to receive such high praise.
Good luck with all your future bakes and post any questions you may have here in Q & A x