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Mountain Scence Ingredients Location
Please can you advise where I can locate the list of ingredients for the Mountain Scene Cake as the link does not appear to be working.
Please can you advise where I can locate the list of ingredients for the Mountain Scene Cake as the link does not appear to be working.
Hi Pernickety
The older tutorials never had ingredients lists. The lists were on the way to being added and somehow a few have escaped. Here’s an answer I gave a couple of years ago:
I think I would change 1.5g of Lincoln green to 2k, it’s better to have more than not enough because it’s a 14″ board which is being decorated at the same time as the cake. The other amounts should be ok but perhaps if you run short you could make some colours up from oddments. If you want exact amounts email the site by using this form and not the link provided in my previous answer:
Hope it helps.