Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked February 28th 2013

Mug of tea cake

I’m fairly new to the cake decorating scene and really enjoy it. I have made some good cakes, like a bubble bath cake, zombie lego scene, one direction chibi figures on a cake and without getting big headed, for a non professional they have turned out well and edible!
My imagination is getting better and I’m starting to think outside the box but I’m still lacking cake carving skills which I’m hoping to practice on soon with the tatty teddy cake (may be my first major challenge)
Anyway, what I’m hoping is that one of you lovely people may be able to help me.
I have a boss at work who is retiring and I’d like to make him a cake as a present (more experience) he likes a cup of tea so that’s the route I’m going down. I’d prefer to do a mug of tea shape rather than the bone china look cuppa.
the question is really what sort of tin would you recommend using?
I’m guessing that I’m going to have to stack the cakes to get it more mug shaped, but how much cake roughly would I need.
Any help gratefully received and thanks in advance.
I hope that all makes sense.


I’m fairly new to the cake decorating scene and really enjoy it. I have made some good cakes, like a bubble bath cake, zombie lego scene, one direction chibi figures on a cake and without getting big headed, for a non professional they have turned out well and edible!
My imagination is getting better and I’m starting to think outside the box but I’m still lacking cake carving skills which I’m hoping to practice on soon with the tatty teddy cake (may be my first major challenge)
Anyway, what I’m hoping is that one of you lovely people may be able to help me.
I have a boss at work who is retiring and I’d like to make him a cake as a present (more experience) he likes a cup of tea so that’s the route I’m going down. I’d prefer to do a mug of tea shape rather than the bone china look cuppa.
the question is really what sort of tin would you recommend using?
I’m guessing that I’m going to have to stack the cakes to get it more mug shaped, but how much cake roughly would I need.
Any help gratefully received and thanks in advance.
I hope that all makes sense.


You could bake it in an empty tin (baked bean size) for a realistic mug or if you want it to feed more people you could stack two 6″ cakes and it would be a giant mug!


Brilliant, thank you very much. 🙂


I’ve baked in tin cans before and I don’t find the cakes to be too substantial. They’re also a bugger to cover!


I’m going to go 6″ cake tin and make a giant mug…After all, I will want a piece! 🙂

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