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asked July 4th 2016

My Oven


This is for madeitwithlove
I took your advice and got my oven checked out a few weeks ago. It now has a new thermometer, a new seal and door hinge. I didn’t even notice the door seal was split, nor that there was a loose door hinge. However the result is that my cakes are turning out really well now. What a relief!

Thanks madeitwithlove.



This is for madeitwithlove
I took your advice and got my oven checked out a few weeks ago. It now has a new thermometer, a new seal and door hinge. I didn’t even notice the door seal was split, nor that there was a loose door hinge. However the result is that my cakes are turning out really well now. What a relief!

Thanks madeitwithlove.


Hi bellscakes

A lot of people struggle on with bad baking results and never realise that their oven may be at fault. I struggled similarly and began to think my oven was possessed! Like your’s, my oven had a bit of a makeover and is now behaving itself. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, this is such a useful feedback. xx:)


Hello again madeitwithlove

I’m glad the feedback was useful. Hope you are keeping better.

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