Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked October 8th 2012

New Beatle

I Am trying to realize Paul’s Vw New Beatle. I watched all his tutorials and I’d like to know what size is the cake that Paul uses to carve the car.
he says the cake is 14×28 cm (more or less) … but what about its height?


I Am trying to realize Paul’s Vw New Beatle. I watched all his tutorials and I’d like to know what size is the cake that Paul uses to carve the car.
he says the cake is 14×28 cm (more or less) … but what about its height?


Hi Tweety

Looking at the tutorial the cake used seems to be the standard 3″ deep. Paul takes his measurements from the picture he has downloaded and works out the height of the car as being one and half tyre width so you would need to carve the cake from the standard size.

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