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New Years Resolution – would you like to join me?
Hope Paul doesn’t mind me hijacking the Q&A for this!
I have been thinking about the tutorials on the website and realised that I’m only dipping in here and there to remind myself of how to do bits and pieces. I’ve always planned to make more of the cakes but I’ve been waylaid with cakes for customers (not complaining though!). With all these fantastic tutorials, I feel like I’m really not making full use of my membership.
So, I have decided that my New Years resolution will be to make ALL of the cakes in the tutorials next year, starting in January – some dummy, for wedding fairs etc. and some real, which I can auction off or share with friends and family – and some which I will encourage customers to order, to let me try them out.
I thought this would be a great way to take advantage of these excellent tutorials and to build my portfolio.
What do you all think? This might be one resolution I can finally stick to!
JC x
Love the idea of a group gonna join now!
Hi Davina, yes that’s the idea! We pick which tutorials we want to tackle in the month then post our results on the page 🙂 Welcome aboard!
JC x
Hi folk,
Can I be added to the challenge, Not sure if I will manage 1 per month as waiting for a hospital appointment for operation on shoulder. But would love to take part, have done a few of the tutorials in the past and also taken inspiration from the tutorials to do cakes.
Paul is sure a wonderful teacher and this weeks cake is just fab. I will take some of his ideas for my (pear) 30th wedding anniversary cake in June.
Look forward to hearing how I can join.
Thanks Jackie
Jackie you are more then welcome! The only objective is to make best use of the tutorials by making instead of just watching – you can do as much or as little as you please. The more the merrier!
You can join by going to this link -http://www.facebook.com/groups/574718399212028/
See you there!
JC x
Hi everyone! So is there a cake that we should try as the first? I am favoring a boy and his dog (yeah, starting from A and going to Z!) what do you think? Then posting before last day of the month when we can then pick the next tutorial. What do you think
Sweet regards from a very grey Switzerland
Hi there, I’d love to join this group. I’ve hit join on Facebook but it said closed group so not sure if that means you are going to get my request or whether it’s closed to me!
Hi Joeb, I added you to the group last month, look forward to seeing your posts 🙂
I think I’ll join the resolution trying to do at least one cake a month, just made the Peppa Pig cake for my daughters 2nd birthday, the look on her face more than pays for the membership fee. I’m a stay-at-home mum, with two littlies, that’s hoping to get a cake decorating business going so any cake decorating at the moment is done after they’re in bed. I love watching the tutorials on my iPad whilst feeding my 8 month old, it helps keep me sane! I too have a facebook page (michellescakesmelb) but not as impressive as carpel’s creative cakes, I live in hope 🙂
Jimmy, I tried to find the group on Facebook with no results
Hi JC. I’ve applied to join the FB group. Can you let me join please. I’m going to do my own version of the Crystal Palace cake for Christmas. Then try and get through one a month.
Thanks, it’s a great idea.
Best of luck with this everyone, will be great to see so many examples of Paul’s courses – and feel free to mail any pictures to [email protected] (or get in touch if you want to post me any cake! 🙂 )
Customer Support
Hi I never thought I could ice a cake until I joined this site. I have so far made 3 handbag cakes, the father Christmas and snowman cup cakes, and the spitfire cake for my 7 year old grandson and have used ganache for the first time. After working full time for over 30 years I am now part time so will hopefully have lots of time to make more cakes. I have orders for more of the Christmas cupcakes and another handbag cake, these are only for friends and family as I do not run this as a business. I have purchased Paul’s Christmas book and I am going to have a bash at the igloo one and the father Christmas sitting in a chair I cant wait each week to see what tutorial is ready for us. Great fun and now i’m semi retired I cant wait to get stuck into making more. I will definitely try to make at least one a month and would love to post them. My daughter has just asked me to make the topsy turvy cake for her birthday would love to give it a go, but not sure if that’s a step to far for me, although ive watched it now 3 times and might just give it a go. Whats the worst that can happen!! Will join FB site if I can find it as im rubbish with FB.
JC, I’m in the same boat, I joined a year ago, and I’ve chipped in here and there, made a few tutorials or followed recipes sometimes, but yes, I want to take full advantage of all this knowledge, I will apply to the group later today as I am at work and I don’t have access to FB from here, but I think it’s a brilliant idea!
BTW I took up cake decorating last year but I’ve been inlove with it for years. 🙂 Looking forward to start next year! 😀
LOL I just edited to add I noticed this is already *GOING on* and here I was little me thinking it was meant for 2014! 😛 I’ll join anyway 😉
Good idea! We just started our business it’s intense as I’m still working 4 days a week my husband works full time too doing shifts which is a good and bad thing. So not sure one a month would work as we also have 7 kiddies the youngest is 12 months old it’s all hands to the deck right now. I’m hoping to be able to give up work and do cakes full time but need to be able to earn 40k to replace my job so it’s going to take some major effort!
I realise this was for 2013 but my 2014 resolution is to make one of Paul’s cakes for all my family and friends’ birthdays so that I can practice. Is the group still going? I have sent my request to join so fingers crossed 🙂
I love this idea! Going to join now! facebook.com/cakesbyangelabowes
So happy to learn from Paul and all of you! I am a hobby baker and so thankful for the tutorials here and all over the internet! Thank you!!!!
Great idea Jimmy Choux! I am going to join you in this one 🙂 We can do it!! x