Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 8th 2015


I have never baked a cake from scratch in my life but once and epic fail in and would like to know what the easiest way to explain how one is made step by step instructions because when I watch YouTube videos they tend to leave important info out and


I have never baked a cake from scratch in my life but once and epic fail in and would like to know what the easiest way to explain how one is made step by step instructions because when I watch YouTube videos they tend to leave important info out and


HI Samantha07

Welcome to the site! Don’t worry about not being able to bake, you’ll learn that on this site from Mrs Jones who is the resident baking tutor. If you look here:
you will find several recipes from Mrs Jones and you will learn step by step how to bake them.
Paul has a chocolate cake recipe here: http://www.cakeflix.com/free-cake-decorating-courses/chocolate-cake-preparation
If you need help trouble shooting some of the things that can go wrong with baking, you’ll find my blog here:
http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/baking-the-perfect-cake-why-things-go-wrong Scroll further down and
you’ll also see comments from members and additional information which you may find useful.
If you need help with scaling recipes up or down you can see my ready reckoner or the cakeometre tools here:

Have a look through the free/beginners section to find Paul’s step by step tutorials on everything you need to know about cake decorating. The blog section too, also contains lots of free information which you may find useful as you begin your baking journey. Take your time and absorb all the information from the different sections on the site, including the search facility which is located above. All of it will help you in your baking and decorating. If you need information just keep posting and members of the site community will assist you in the best way they can. It doesn’t take long to get the hang of the basic building blocks, before you know it you will be producing cakes to be proud of. We all need to start some where, you’ll find you’ve come to the best place as your starting point. Keep posting if you have questions about anything at all that you find hard or don’t fully understand. Good luck as you begin. x

ps all ingredients are listed in the red ingredients tab below the videos, just click on the tab to see them.

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