Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A
Paid subscription – What recipies do you get?
Hi thinking of upgrading to a paid subscription.
Do you get access to extra recipies? In particular I am looking to make a wedding cake. Would there be a selection of wedding cake recipies that I cannot access on the free subscription?
Many thanks
Hi thinking of upgrading to a paid subscription.
Do you get access to extra recipies? In particular I am looking to make a wedding cake. Would there be a selection of wedding cake recipies that I cannot access on the free subscription?
Many thanks
Hello Ultra Violet
Paul Bradford Sugarcraft School is primarily focused on cake decorating, however the school has teamed up with guest tutor Mrs Jones http://www.mrsjonescakes.co.uk/ who has several of her recipes in the baking section of the paid library. The most suitable recipe for stacking is the fruit cake although Mrs Jones recommends increasing the flour in the sponge recipes by 20% to make them dense enough for stacking. If you have any questions and queries about Mrs Jones’ recipes or for wedding cake recipes she can be contacted on her own site in the above link. It is possible that Mrs Jones will be teaching more recipes on the site but I can’t tell you what they will be or when.
In the free/beginners section you will find Paul’s moist chocolate cake recipe:
The chocolate mud cake recipe in this blog is an Australian wedding cake recipe with extended shelf life:
There are various other free recipes in the blog section which may be of interest to you. Browsing through when you have some time may prove worthwhile.
There are other recipes on the site donated by members which can be seen here:
You’ll find related topics here:
and if you type in the search box ‘recipes’ there are other discussions which may be of interest.
Upgrading your membership will give you access to so many wonderful tutorials immediately and well worth every penny, you won’t regret it!
Hope some of the above information helps.