Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked August 2nd 2015

Painting lustre on to cakes

Hi all
Is it still ok to paint on lustre to cakes using rejuvenator fluid/spirit?


Hi all
Is it still ok to paint on lustre to cakes using rejuvenator fluid/spirit?


Hello…just found your hubby’s blog. Please thank him so much for taking the time to explain this in such easy terms, it’s well worth the read. You and your husband are such an asset to this site. Keep up the good work! xx


Hello lynn-fraser

Yes you can still use it. Take a peek at my last answer here:


and also my hubby’s blog here

Can We Use IPA in Cake Decorating?

Hope both help make the use of rejuvenator/IPA a little clearer.


You’re very welcome Lynn. Hubby tries to help out where ever he can. His hobby is baking too, just not cakes! He bakes the most incredible bread that we no longer eat shop bought.
Thank you for your kind words, we aim to keep helping out as long as the site finds our contributions of value to it’s members. xx

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