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asked January 9th 2014


Please could you tell me if Paul is living in Spain hope not



Please could you tell me if Paul is living in Spain hope not



Hi Kath

Yes Paul and David are now living in Spain. They moved in November but Paul will still be taking some classes in the UK. His tuition schedule is here http://www.cakeflix.com/cakedecoratingcourses
Hope this helps.


i like to know how you can color the sugar papper on chrismas cake?


Hi toyin2658

I’m not quite sure of your question. Please could you say which sugar paper? and which Christmas cake? Do you mean sugar paste?
If it is sugar paste you have to use food gel colours. They can be bought from sugarcraft stores or online sugarcraft stores also ebay and Amazon. Hope this helps. If you need more information please post again.

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