Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked June 14th 2012

Paul’s demos

Does anyone else find it difficult to view Paul’s carving when he carves chocolate cake against a black surface?  I would find it helpful to view carving with the green board as background or use madeira.


Does anyone else find it difficult to view Paul’s carving when he carves chocolate cake against a black surface?  I would find it helpful to view carving with the green board as background or use madeira.


Yes i have the same problem. I would also like to see the ingredients abd tools lists completed instead of “coming soon “


I don’t think it’s just the black work top, it also has something to do with the angle of filming and lighting. I don’t know whether anyone else experiences sudden dips in lighting which does effect the clarity. It isn’t always possible to get the angles on close up and inevitably a degree of blurring occurs, although recent tutorials are better than some of the earlier ones.


Yes, I find the same problem sometimes


Yes please different coloured board


the guitar video doesnt sem to complete each part fully , just getting the first bit then move on missing half the sugar pasting half the gunache ???


There are no numbered lessons either, so if I stop and come back to it later, I usually have to click on every single lesson o find the one I want. A lot of gremlins in the works lately!

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