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asked May 15th 2013

Pauls Moist Chocolate Cake – Complete Disaster!!! help!!

Ok, I tried baking “Pauls Moist Chocolate Cake” and what a disaster. I follow all his instructions and used the exact amounts on the ingredients list, i cooked it on Gas Mark 2 for 2 hours but here’s the problems…It Sunk in the middle. It was very sticky and The top of the cake was really hard. (Underneath the hard top was lovely and soft tho) Anyone got any ideas as to what i have done wrong??? Help Please!!


Ok, I tried baking “Pauls Moist Chocolate Cake” and what a disaster. I follow all his instructions and used the exact amounts on the ingredients list, i cooked it on Gas Mark 2 for 2 hours but here’s the problems…It Sunk in the middle. It was very sticky and The top of the cake was really hard. (Underneath the hard top was lovely and soft tho) Anyone got any ideas as to what i have done wrong??? Help Please!!


Hello cakecrusader

The recipe can be temperamental but many members have baked it up successfully. There is always a reason so it might help you to read through the many comments in the section popular questions ‘Paul’s moist chocolate cake’ my feed back and ‘Paul’s chocolate cake – timing’. There are lots of useful tips on how to bake this recipe up successfully. Most recent answer is here with a very useful tip http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/pauls-choco-cake. You’ll find find more tips in the blog link which I posted in your last question which I hope will help when you try the recipe again. Good luck and happy baking.


Hi cake crusader
I’ve had a few disasters with this recipe but I reduced the sugar by 100gs and folded the flour mix at the end and it has worked every time. Try this and see if it works.


Thanks people. I decided to buttercream the cakes and give them to the kids. I stored them overnight in a container and to my surprise, they softened on top and the texture is really good. Not as chocolatey as i would of liked but for me it was a good turn out, Next time i will do as you have suggested and see if this makes a difference. Thanks again all. x

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