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peanut allergy
I have just been asked to do a cake for a party that a child suffering from peanut allergy will be attending ?
I have declined on the grounds that I bake in my own kitchen which is not nut free.Am I right in doing this or am I being over cautious ? They want a chocolate cake but apparently she can only have cadburies dairy milk which I don’t think is suitable for Paul’s recipe.I don,t want to come across as difficult but think I probably am ??? any advise would be gratefully recieved
I have just been asked to do a cake for a party that a child suffering from peanut allergy will be attending ?
I have declined on the grounds that I bake in my own kitchen which is not nut free.Am I right in doing this or am I being over cautious ? They want a chocolate cake but apparently she can only have cadburies dairy milk which I don’t think is suitable for Paul’s recipe.I don,t want to come across as difficult but think I probably am ??? any advise would be gratefully recieved
Hi Liz
You did the right thing. Most people don’t realise that the FSA has stringent regulations when baking for people with allergies.
I know some people can be more tolerent of allergens but it’s not really a chance that can be taken …… especially not with a child. It’s a tricky one, even if you bought one in from specialist bakers and decorated it at home the problem would still remain.
There are rules to follow to make home kitchens allergen free and unfortunately it doesn’t happen overnight. You are not being at all difficult. Here is the FSA information on allergens:
For the milk chocolate query take a peek here:
and for reducing the sugar take a look at your own lovely feed back here:
Hope the above helps. x
thank you very much made it with love for your very kind reply and useful information,the lady has not got back to me so hopefully she has found an alternative thanks again best wishes Liz x
You’re welcome Liz x
Hi Liz
I knew Paul and David had posted something about food labelling and allergies!! Scroll down the page here:
I will do.Would you believe just had a second request from some one else requiring a cake for a nut allergy sufferer ???
thanks for all your support best wishes Liz xx