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asked August 14th 2013

Pearlescent Cupcake Cases?

Hi, Sorry if I have already posted this question. It didn’t seem to work before. Can anyone help, I am looking for ivory pearlescent type cupcake cases. I am doing a cupcake tower for a wedding in October and the bride has specifically asked for this type of case. I cannot find any! The only thing that looks somewhere near are ivory foil cases but she doesn’t want foil. We are also only a few wraps on certain cakes so they are not an option. I have never used ivory foil cases before. Are they very shiny like the other foil cases as they look a bit more matt on pictures. Thanks!


Hi, Sorry if I have already posted this question. It didn’t seem to work before. Can anyone help, I am looking for ivory pearlescent type cupcake cases. I am doing a cupcake tower for a wedding in October and the bride has specifically asked for this type of case. I cannot find any! The only thing that looks somewhere near are ivory foil cases but she doesn’t want foil. We are also only a few wraps on certain cakes so they are not an option. I have never used ivory foil cases before. Are they very shiny like the other foil cases as they look a bit more matt on pictures. Thanks!


Hi helcakes

I was just wondering whether the bride had actually seen some pearlised cupcake cases and perhaps she would know where to source them. The Cupcake company have champagne foil case and also ivory one. I expect you’ve seen them too but here’s the link anyway http://thecupcakeco.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=332&product_id=252. Another possibility might be to spray plain ivory cases with PME pearl spray. I’ve had a good look around for the pearlised ones ( if they exist) without success.


I make my own cup cake wrapper there are lots of templates on line you can buy scissors with. Variety. Of edges in craft shops very cheaply and a huge range ofscrapbooking card,I,m sure you will find one to fit the bill


Thanks for your suggestions. I don’t think the bride has seen any, she just had it in mind. Don’t think I will be able to make any as I wont have the time but its one to keep in mind for the future so thanks.


I have just done a vintage cupcake tower . The bride chose pearlised cupcake case’s from Hobbycraft they were the ones that you drop the finished cupcake into. They looked the part .

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