Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked December 20th 2012


hie l dont no where to see other pictures so that l can learn


hie l dont no where to see other pictures so that l can learn


Hi Lucia

To view the tutorial videos click the tab which says online courses. All the tutorials can be viewed if you are a paid subscribing member, if you are not a paid up member you can access the free/beginners section where you will find many things to learn plus two full video tutorials, the round bow cake and the box explosion cake. To find the free section click on the online course tab again and select the that section. If you want to join up click on the contact tab and scroll down to joining options where you will find information on how to join. It’s easy to join and there are lots of fantastic tutorials to learn. If I have not understood your question properly please could you say which pictures it is you want to see. Hope this helps.

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