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Piñata cake
Hi a client ordered a piñata cake from me. As I’d never made on before I searched for online tutorials. I followed the instructions to a tee and the choice of sweets were chocolate m&m’s. I asked my customer to send me a photo of the cake when cut with all the sweets pouring out and she messaged me this morning saying she couldn’t send me a photo because when she cut the cake they didn’t talk out they were all just stuck to the cake. What did I do wrong because I don’t understand why that happened. can anyone advise? Thank you
Hi a client ordered a piñata cake from me. As I’d never made on before I searched for online tutorials. I followed the instructions to a tee and the choice of sweets were chocolate m&m’s. I asked my customer to send me a photo of the cake when cut with all the sweets pouring out and she messaged me this morning saying she couldn’t send me a photo because when she cut the cake they didn’t talk out they were all just stuck to the cake. What did I do wrong because I don’t understand why that happened. can anyone advise? Thank you
Thought I’d let you know I made another one for a friend’s birthday. Good excuse to try again. No buttercream in the middle worked a treat. Lesson learnt! Good luck with yours x
Hi guccie906
I’ve never made a pinata cake so I don’t really know how much the sweets are meant to tumble out. To be honest I don’t think the sweets tumble out in a great big wooosh. It’s only logical that the sweets will stick to the cake sides and some of the filling which squishes into the centre. I think once the cake is cut, extra sweets are poured into the cavity to create the drama. Obviously some will fall out but not as many as are shown in photographs. Since you posted your question I”ve had a look at several videos on pinata cakes, even ones which show them being cut. I haven’t seen any where the sweets pour out. I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong at all. I hope someone who has actually made pinata can enlighten us, the suspense is killing me! x
Thank you. I followed a tutorial which said to buttercream round the hollowed out part before putting in the sweets. Now I have since watched other tutorials they didn’t put buttercream in the hollow. Maybe that was my mistake although surely putting the buttercream in the hollow would keep the cake fresh?
The middle shouldn’t buttercreamed but some will still squish in there. Perhaps different people do it differently?? The cake wouldn’t become dry with the centres taken out. Firstly the sweets fill the void and secondly the whole cake is crumbcoated and covered so it’s not exposed to the air to become dry. This was your first pinata, it was one to learn from. Your next one will be different. I hope your customer was ok, I know some people can be difficult. Just take it as a learning curve, we’ve all been in a similar place one time or another.
I’m going to make one just in case I get asked for it. I’ll use a piping bag to fill each layer and keep away from the centre to avoid the squish. I’ve definitely learned something from your experience, thank you for sharing it. xx
Yes think you’re right with the buttercream. Please let me know how yours goes if you make one.
Thank you
I will let you, I’m looking to make it next week as a thankyou present to my local vets who have been looking after my dog. I really hope it turns out good.
That’s great, thank you so much for letting me know. Making mine on Monday, will let you know the outcome. x