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Piped roses
Please can somebody tell me what quantity of buttercream I need to make for an 8inch round cake? I plan to fill the cake, crumb coat it, and then pipe ombre style roses all over. Also would I need to add extra icing sugar to the buttercream prior to piping the roses?
Many thanks
Please can somebody tell me what quantity of buttercream I need to make for an 8inch round cake? I plan to fill the cake, crumb coat it, and then pipe ombre style roses all over. Also would I need to add extra icing sugar to the buttercream prior to piping the roses?
Many thanks
Hi bellscakes
I don’t use buttercream very often so tend to wing quantities when I do use it. Found this tutorial
The quantites look about right for filling, crumb coating and piping the roses. I’ve has a quick look around online/youtube, there are many more tutorials for piped roses cake. Might be worth taking a peek at the BC recipes they use. I expect other members will be able to share a recipe. x
Hi Madeitwithlove
Many thanks I will try the link.