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Please help!! Air bubbles in Satin Ice!!
Hi I have had to break off from attempting to decorate a cake because I was having so many problems. I am decorating a number 4 and have bought Satin Ice especially having never used it before but hearing such good reviews. However, on using it I am overwhelmed with the amount of air bubbles when rolling out!! I have coloured it light pink would this have made a difference? I can’t seem to get rid of the air bubbles and they are leaving awful marks, I’m so surprised as I’ve heard such good reviews! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I don’t want to use my usual sugarpaste as it cracks abit on the corners and a number 4 has so many! Thanks in advance x
Hi I have had to break off from attempting to decorate a cake because I was having so many problems. I am decorating a number 4 and have bought Satin Ice especially having never used it before but hearing such good reviews. However, on using it I am overwhelmed with the amount of air bubbles when rolling out!! I have coloured it light pink would this have made a difference? I can’t seem to get rid of the air bubbles and they are leaving awful marks, I’m so surprised as I’ve heard such good reviews! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I don’t want to use my usual sugarpaste as it cracks abit on the corners and a number 4 has so many! Thanks in advance x
Hi fi28
I’m guessing here that it’s white Satin ice? I used ivory Satin ice for a very long time without any problem whatsoever, it was my dream paste! The minute I changed over to white, the problems were endless. I found the paste very wet to begin with and adding colour made it worse. I covered a 4 tier wedding cake with the white, it was hellish.
I would suggest adding a little tylose/CMC or gum tragacanth to firm it up. Let it rest completely for a few hours before using again. If you want to prevent your usual sugarpaste from cracking, roll it out on a little trex (vegetable fat, not lard) and not too much icing sugar. Once the number is covered, gently rub a little more trex on all the edges with your finger to keep the paste pliable and less prone to drying, shrinking and cracking. The trex gradually absorbes into the sugarpaste without leaving any taste or marks.
To see comments on Satin Ice have a look here:
….. when you get a little time, have a peek at general comments/reviews on the different brands of pastes by typing in the search box ‘sugarpaste’.
I know it’s frustrating! Hope the above helps. x
Thanks so much madeitwithlove. I’m so disappointed I was hoping it would make my life easier and even ordered another tub from cake stuff this morning just before trying it! Regretting that now!! I’ll give it another go following your advice, thanks so much xx
P.S yes it is the white x
Hi fi
Let Cake Stuff know how bad it is and cancel your order, don’t be stuck with it. Believe me the white is cake decorator’s nighmare! I complained to the Satin Ice rep at cake show. He wanted a sample of the batch to test but I’d used it all up making gumpaste so had non to give him. I’m at the show this week and will bring it up with him again. Perhaps they should buy a tub of white and try it out for themselves! I don’t think it’s a batch problem, more a formula problem. Hope you go on alright x
We have had the same problems and got nowhere when we complained. They said no one else had had any problems! I have now changed to Massa Ticino Tropic, thanks to Paul’s recommendation, and it is a dream to work with.
Hi Susan
I think most people are changing over to the Massa. I changed over after Paul’s double barrel cake tutorial last year. It doesn’t really work out that much more expensive for a good paste without all the hassle of tearing, stretching and cracking.
Lots of other comments on different pastes on the site by typing in the search box ‘sugarpaste’.
Thanks they have already dispatched my order unfortunately 🙁 wish I’d ordered the Massa now, don’t really want to pay even more for postage so hopefully I will be able to buy some at the cake show 🙂 I persevered with the Satin Ice and have got it covered in the end. Thank you so much for your advice, and have a great time at the cake show! x
I have used the Satin Ice and am not a fan. I used my 25% ‘first time’ discount at Cake Stuff to buy a large quantity and found to my horror that I have got an expensive stock of what I call ‘board fondant’.
I use Dr. Oetker Regal Ice mostly and I find it excellent. we use the white and colour it and it always covers well, no tearing or cracking. It is often on offer at various supermarkets at £2 – 2.10 per 500gr pack, so is super value. Prior to my Satin Ice disappointment I would use Asda white fondant for covering boards. I will try the Massa sometime. x
Hi fi28
I’ll be seeing the owner of Satin Ice during my visit to Cake International. He will be at the cake show only for one day. I’m going to raise with him the issues we have been experiencing with Satin Ice. If you have a batch number on the pail please could you post it here so that I can let him have the information. x
Thanks CandyTara for your comment, sorry you’ve had problems with it too x
Hi madeitwithlove I’m really sorry I have only just seen this, sorry I couldn’t get the info to you. Hope you had a a great time at the show x
Hi fi28
The show was great as always and it’s such a pleasure to see Paul and David again. PBSS stand looked AMAZING!! and as normal was mobbed! My hubby and I sat in Paul’s ruffle cake demo which was totally hysterically hilarious. Paul is a massive draw, the demo was packed out. I got to see all the people I follow, including Carlos Lischetti, so that too was a bonus
I have a direct email address for you to write to the guy I mentioned above. He was very concerned that people are having problems with Satin Ice. Please drop him an email with the problems you’ve been experiencing. I’ve already outlined what they are. I’ve also said that once the paste is dispatched from the seller it can’t be returned. Perhaps ask him what he intends to do about refunds and postal charges. Send him the batch number on the pail and place of purchase. He knows all the distributors.
Here is his name and email: Kevin O’Reilly, Founder and CEO email [email protected]
Please let him know it is with regards to the conversation he had with Mrs Fox at Cake Internation Birmingham. He said he would remember me because he has Foxs in his family too!!
Lets hope he’s as good as his word and can help resolve these Satin Ice issues. x
Hi MIWL I am so disappointed with myself I had already got rid of all the packaging so didn’t have a pail number any more. Thank you for all you help xx