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asked April 9th 2013

Preparing a bag of cake mix

To save time when it comes to baking a cake someone suggested bagging dried measured ingredients! Can this include nuts?


To save time when it comes to baking a cake someone suggested bagging dried measured ingredients! Can this include nuts?


Do you mean buying, or making up bags of ingredients to make cakes yourself? I know that at Christmas Time, some stores sell boxes of ingredients for Christmas Cakes, but I think all the ingredients are seperate.


i mean make up the bags myself with dry ingredients


To save time prepare the mixes myself!


Hi bekacake, this sounds like what you’re asking http://www.thekitchn.com/make-your-own-homemade-cake-mi-145517. If you want to add nuts, I suggest you bag them up separately and store with the cake mix. Nuts should be stored in the freezer to keep them fresh so if you follow the examples in the link you’ll have everything to hand. What a great idea!


Made it with love this is exactly what I was meaning! Thank you so much! Nuts are in the freezer 😉


Mind you don’t forget them then! x

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