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asked March 21st 2015

Preparing cake

Do you have a video preparing cake for icing?


Do you have a video preparing cake for icing?


Hi elaineturner

Please could you say which type of cake you are icing. Paul has lots of free tutorials on icing cakes here:

If you are icing a fruit cake it is a different proceedure but a very simple one. Unwrap the cake from the lining paper and turn it over so the smooth side is facing you. Place it on a cake card or board, use a little royal icing or jam as glue to secure.
The cake will invariably have little holes all over it from protruding fruits. Some holes are bigger than others and will need plugging with small balls of marzipan. The plugs must be flattened with a pallet knife until smooth against the cake to make a level surface on top and around.
It’s quite a long winded job but if you don’t want a pitted surface for icing on it’s well worth spending the time carrying out this preparation. Once the biggest holes are all filled in, run your cake smoother all the way round making sure there are no lumpy or raised bits of marzipan.
The cake may have domed very slightly during baking. This will leave a gap at the bottom between cake and board and will need filling. Make a long sausage of marzipan and fill in the gap at the bottom all the way round so the cake is level with the cake board. Fill it well to make a sound base. Go around with the smoother and smooth the marzipan into the side of the cake to make it level. Once the preparation is completed the cake is brushed with some clear jam like apricot, boiled in a little alcohol. If your jam contains bits of fruit, sieve it through first before using. Next marzipan the cake, then allow it to dry for two or three days before icing.

If you search in youtube ‘how to marzipan and ice a fruit cake’ you’ll see lots of tutorials as visual guides.
It is advisable not to use corn flour when rolling out marzipan, Cornflour can cause a fermentation reaction when it comes into contact with marzipan and is best avoided. Wash the rolling pin with a little liquid detergent to clean off any oils from the marzipan before using on sugarpaste.

It’s possible that Paul may do a video in the future, I don’t know that. The way I’ve described above is how I was taught years ago by the British Sugarcraft Guild. Other members might have learned differently and may share their way. Hope it helps.


Thank you, very helpful

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